Awh, puppy love

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Once Dreamed...

    Do dreams have a deeper meaning? Do they reveal the subconscious within us? Sigmund Freud thought so, I'm beginning to believe this might hold accurate. I want to be bold, and say God revealed a vision to me; a plan for my life. Or I could stick with the contemporary term of "dream".
    I always have vivacious dreams, full of dramatic plots and characters. Though, I could sense this dream was different. I'm not sure why, except that when I woke up I even felt different. I felt a joyous peace suddenly within me...
   There was nothing leading up to this dream, no previously dreamt plot, but suddenly I was standing in the middle of a dirt road, in a Belizian village. The Mayan thatch roof huts were all around me, chickens were squaking and pigs were mosying around. There were children at my feet, tugging on my arms and wrapped around my waist. I led them to a clearing in the grass where a bucket of water was. There were several other Americans there too, each with their own bucket of water. I took a little girl by the hand and told her to sit down as I proceeded to pour the water over her hair. She let out a giggle when I poured shampoo into my hands and lathered up her hair. I knew this was the first time she had ever had her hair washed, there were fleas and bugs nested up in it. As the water flowed down onto the ground, I noticed it was dark and murky, it looked like mud. But I didn't care. I was happy, so genuinely happy as I washed the little girl's hair. There were children lined up behind me, waiting for their chance to have their grimy hair and scalps washed. I turned around and saw their eyes sparkling, waiting patiently. The biggest smile spread across my face. I remember thinking, "I am serving the Lord with pure joy." and I was so happy.
     That's all that happened in the dream, yet those few moments in dreamland has already begun to impact me. I feel as though God was speaking to me through that dream. "Serve me, serve others; and that is where you will find the purest essence of joy." I felt at home with those children, caring for their needs, ministering to them...loving them as Christ loves us, imperfections and all. I don't know if this is what you would call a vision the Lord has given me, but I know it's not a coincidence. This dream does have a deeper meaning. In just one night, I have a clearer set of direction in life; what God is calling me to do. I will not lie, though. It's difficult. For years now I  have planned on pursuing a degree in acting, with high hopes of officially breaking into the film industry. But God seems to be redirecting my steps. Not what I had expected. But, sometimes God does call us to do crazy things once we fall crazy in love with Him.

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